On Friday, after settling Meg in bed after her MRI, I crack open a Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade. (It's after 1:00 p.m., after all!) I'd had enough, Meg had had enough. The week was more than a bit exhausting. I'm sitting at the kitchen table, chatting with my mom who had stopped by with some groceries before picking up my older children from school. As I near ending the recount of the week, my phone rings. It's Ed.
He's on the other end telling me he is at the nurses station at work in excruciating pain. It appears to be his left kidney. His blood pressure is sky high. They are transporting him via ambulance to Detroit Receiving Hospital.
My response? Not loving concern, I tell ya! "You're joking, right?" Ed says, "No, I'm really not well."
"Oh, okay. Let me figure out what to do with the kids and I'll come down." I meet my mom's concerned gaze with a look of incredulity, quickly recounting the conversation before dissolving into a fit of hysterical laughter. My mom is momentarily alarmed before she realizes that I am really and truly laughing! I almost wet my pants, doubled over in laughter. It's absurd! The whole thing - all of it!
After arranging a ride home for the big kids, I kiss Megs and head downtown. While navigating the horrendous parking at Detroit Receiving, I'm still chuckling. By the time I arrived, Ed was eager to bolt out the door. He was already feeling better. The lab work didn't provide enough clinical evidence to warrant further testing. Soon enough, we were on our way. In typical man fashion, Ed isn't very inclined to follow-up with our primary physician. I guess, we'll just have to wait for another suspected kidney stone incident!
Silly me, I thought the strain of the week was behind us! But, no! Saturday morning brought a minor tragedy to our home... Madison found her pet hamster, Taffy, dead! There was much wailing and hand wringing. I did my best to console her. After all, Taffy died in her sleep. She wasn't in any pain. Taffy was a good momma hamster and a very sweet pet, but Madison's mourning was softened by the lure of picking out a new baby hamster. Saturday afternoon we welcomed Athena into our home.
Yeah, yeah, I know... But these are unusual times and I'd had enough drama for a lifetime. If a new baby hamster buys me some peace for the weekend, then so be it. Here we are at the start of a new week. I pray it is a relatively uneventful one. Who's with me?
If you're suggesting insanity and silliness, count me in!