Thank you for taking time to follow Meaghan's journey of healing as she battles Medulloblastoma, a form of brain cancer.

Meaghan, our five year old daughter, was diagnosed early November 2009 after an MRI revealed she had a 4 cm solid tumor in her cerebellum. The tumor resection, while successful, resulted in serious complications.

Cancer is a family affair and here I try to chronicle not only Meg's journey, but our whole family's as well.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Quick Update

Greetings Everyone! We've been doing what I'd hoped for: having fun!

Since Meg's been home, we've adjusted to new room assignments and new schedules mostly in stride. Ethan surrendered his bedroom (next to ours) without complaint. His room has been defrocked of all things boy and baseball. The room is now appropriately girly.

Meaghan and I have met our new PT, OT and Speech therapists. They are all wonderful and have quickly worn down Meg's shy defenses. It's a new and exhausting schedule, but as always the therapists make the hard work fun. I have to admit, I'm lonely during the busy days. While we were inpatient, I could chat and visit with various staff members. Now, well, it's just me and Meg. And on her best days, she's not chatty. Don't get me wrong, I am so thrilled to have our whole family together again, it's just another adjustment for me.

We've had to make other changes in our life, too. A larger vehicle became a necessity to accommodate Meg's travel feeding pump and wheelchair. While getting into a larger vehicle was a need and not a want, the staff at Buff Whelan made the experience very smooth. Our salesperson was phenomenal, she took care of everything.

This past weekend we were able to take advantage of wonderful opportunity. Thanks to a relationship between Children's Hosptial of Michigan and Great Wolf Lodge, children with life threatening illnesses and their families are able to spend two nights at the Lodge. We had a blast. I look forward to sharing pictures and thoughts about our wonderful family getaway very soon.

In the meantime, here are some great shots of Meg in the therapy swing. Sure, she's having a blast, but more importantly, the therapists were astounded by her endurance. They assured me that she was really giving her core muscles are serious workout.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to go to Great Wolf!!! Very nice!!!
    Looking forward to pics. Yell if you need company sometime, I have lots of vac. time and would be glad to "blow" some of it to visit!!!!


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