Thank you for taking time to follow Meaghan's journey of healing as she battles Medulloblastoma, a form of brain cancer.

Meaghan, our five year old daughter, was diagnosed early November 2009 after an MRI revealed she had a 4 cm solid tumor in her cerebellum. The tumor resection, while successful, resulted in serious complications.

Cancer is a family affair and here I try to chronicle not only Meg's journey, but our whole family's as well.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Flying High

For the past two weeks Meg has been hospitalized, twelve of those days in the PICU. Ed and I usually take Maddy and Ethan to visit every other day depending on Meg's status. The visits are short and fraught with anxiety and disappointment for the big kids. Until today...

Today was absorbed trying to make heads or tails of what treatment options are available and which best meet Meaghan's long term needs. (That's an entirely other post.) Suffice it to say, Ed and I are beyond overwhelmed. Feeling more obligated than excited to have the kids visit, Ed brings the kids up after a birthday party. Boy, were we ever blessed!

Ethan takes Meg's hand and tells her to squeeze it and she does. He then goes on with some physical comedy pretending that Meg is crushing his hand. And Meg smiled! Excited by such a groundbreaking response, Ethan ups the ante by getting sillier by taking her hand and pretending to get punched by her. We were all rewarded with her big toothy smiles and her laughter. Her laughter...

No matter what happens in the coming months and years I want to sear into my memory this moment: The five of us together absolutely elated and full of love for one another!

Thank you Lord for this moment of joy to help sustain us.


  1. Awesome! :D Continuing to pray for you guys!

  2. I got chills and tears goin' here! How wonderful for you. :) I am so glad you were all there for that- Praise God! :) Much love to you all!

  3. We Prayed for Meaghan on Tuesday night, and I just want you to know our prayer group will continue to pray for Meaghan every Tuesday night and all throughout each day as she will come to our minds. God can be trusted.
    "Sorry" is an understatement of how much I feel for you all having to go through this...May you all feel God's peace and may he give you all strength to endure. We will be faithfully praying for Meaghan's healing and total recovery, in Jesus name. Amen
    I am so glad you all had a good day together.
    Thank you God/Jesus!
    Bless you all,
    Susan in California

  4. Thank you G-d! I'm so ecxcited for your family :)

  5. That is such an amazing feat! Thak you God! Such a wonderful blessing! Rachel

  6. That is wonderful news Amy! Enjoy her smiles and the many more God will bless you with!

  7. How awesome!!! I am so happy Meg had this breakthrough and that you were all there to share it. Thank you God for answering our prayers!!

    Hugs to all,


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