Thank you for taking time to follow Meaghan's journey of healing as she battles Medulloblastoma, a form of brain cancer.

Meaghan, our five year old daughter, was diagnosed early November 2009 after an MRI revealed she had a 4 cm solid tumor in her cerebellum. The tumor resection, while successful, resulted in serious complications.

Cancer is a family affair and here I try to chronicle not only Meg's journey, but our whole family's as well.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fully Accessorized

Meaghan's surgery went well. The medi-port is in. It sits over her sternum. It's a little smaller in diameter than a quarter and appears to be about 1/2 inch thick. The spinal is done. We should have those results by Friday. The feeding tube is in. She seemed to tolerate the anesthesia pretty well.

We're back in our good 'ol room in PICU. It's funny how much comfort you get from seeing the familiar faces on the PICU floor. Meaghan did get a bath, her hair washed and a massage yesterday. It really calmed her down.

A co-worker of Ed's sent pretty gel window clings. Madison and Ethan enjoyed putting those on Meg's window last night. It really does brighten things up.

Ed had a brief meeting with a radiation oncologist this morning. We will meet with him again to tomorrow to discuss Meaghan's radiation treatment options more in-depth. The list of side effects is absolutely terrifying.

Now that we are getting into treatment option scenarios we will begin the dance with the insurance companies. Just when I thought our minds couldn't possibly process anything else, we begin this indecent courtship.


  1. Praying for a calm night for Meaghan. Love you all!

  2. Your family is in our prayers. Praying your family will get some rest tonight.

  3. Hi Amy;

    I'd love to help with the bracelet project - maybe I could take a few pictures to show them off?

  4. my thoughts and prayers are still with you and the rest of the family...God will guide you through this difficult time, just let Him lead you, as tough as that may be. give a hug to Meaghan from us, please! (and here is a hug for you, also...)


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